I suggest to my health and wellness clients that they use “experiments” to attain their health goals. Experiments are meant to be tweaked or adjusted. We often begin down one road and end up on another. We might even change the destination of the journey altogether.
I follow these principals in my personal and business life. I’m not always successful. To be honest, I fail a lot. I try and find success in the lessons learned from failure. But, I don’t always succeed at that either. Failure is painful. However, if you stay positive and keep your eyes and mind open…your path can lead you to some incredible places.
So, several months ago, I started a group called “Round table chats”. My idea was to form a group where we could meet to discuss food. You know, the good, bad, and the ugly. We’ve been meeting at Therapeutic Touch (Same parking lot), on the 3rd Thursday of each month. We decided to pick a topic each month, research the topic and share what we learned the following month. We did research on fats, protein, and carbs. The final conclusion – drum roll please……..what works for you- does NOT work for me. The discussion lead and ended with: “this is what I’m doing”.
We are bombarded with diet and exercise advice through commercials, radio, books, and well -meaning friends, who all tell us one thing…”this is what I do’… Mostly – to lose weight. Health and Wellness coaching is about finding your path. You are in control of the journey and destination. You are also responsible for the consequences. A health and Wellness coach partners with you. (not for you) A coach helps you navigate your defined and chosen path. You are also responsible for the successes and unsuccessful experiments (OK- failures) along the journey.
August 15 at 7:00 pm will be the last informal group meeting this Summer. However, during this group session: I’m asking for your feedback, especially from my regular people. Why do you attend? What can I do to better serve your wants and health needs? From new people, what health needs are you looking for? What’s missing in this community. What will help you become the best you can be?
This August session will be my next experiment. Where do we go from here? Is this something we should continue? Any or all suggestions are welcome.